In person social media training in Columbus, OH equips you with the knowledge and skills required to manage your company’s social profiles with confidence. Learn how to use social media for business in a 1-on-1 class or with a group of your colleagues. Erin Brooks is a Social Media business expert ready to help you master this sometimes complicated platform. Need some help with learning Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for business? That’s exactly what Erin does as part of the team at Emily Journey & Associates. Learn more about her interactive, Social media training courses for established business professionals in Columbus, Ohio.
Office: (844) 972-6224 Contact Erin
Social Media training Columbus, OH
Have you ever felt frustrated by social media? Not really sure if it even matters? Sort of dislike social media?
You’re not alone . . .
Many established professionals have been happy to let the social media game pass them by. They prefer to network in person. We know this because we have been there!
Extremely helpful
“Last week’s social media training was outstanding. Not only did you educate Lisa and me about opportunities to enhance our Facebook and LinkedIn pages, you presented the information in a way that was easy to understand and didn’t feel overwhelming. We were able to cover so much elements of these platforms during the session because you had taken time prior to the training to familiarize yourself with our organization and our social media practices. And the follow-up tutorials have been extremely helpful.We looking forward to connecting with you again during the 30-day follow-up period as we implement our learnings.”
1-on-1 Social Media Training
Do you need a customized, one-on-one social media business training experience? Then you're probably looking for our one-on-one Social media business training. Meet virtually or in person with one Erin Brooks to walk through everything you need to know about managing and improving your social media assets.
This training is perfect for:
- Administrative Staff
- Real Estate Agents and Established Sales Professionals
- Business owners with customers on social media!
Read More About Individual 1-on-1 Social Media Training »
On-site Social Media staff training
Do you need two or more of your staff available to manage and improve the company social media profiles? If so, on-site social media training will give your team the skills they need to be successful with this responsibility. Erin will meet with your staff as a group to teach them basic and advanced social media skills--customized to their specific needs and company goals.
This training is perfect for:
- In-House Marketing Teams
- Your Sales Team
- A Group of Top-Level Staff
Contact Us About On-Site Social Media Training »
Take back control of your online reputation.
Help with your Social media business profiles
Does your online presence seem to have fallen into a black hole? Unfortunately, you're not the only one. Most employees do not have the knowledge required to make informed decisions about what they post on Facebook and LinkedIn. Might this have an impact on your company reputation?
Lack of in-house knowledge creates costly mistakes.
Get your house in order with one-on-one social media training. Your team will be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to run, maintain, and update their own as well as the company's social media profiles.
What to expect from one-on-one Social Media training
If you're looking for a lengthy PowerPoint presentation and generic handouts, this probably isn't the best option for you. When you book a social media business consultation session with Erin, be prepared for an interactive, hands-on experience.
- Get access to resources for a stronger foundation and preparation.
- One 3-hour, one-on-one session PLUS a follow-up session to help you stay on track.
- Receive an additional 30 days of ongoing support to ask questions after your training.
Get one-on-one help with your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram profiles
Step 1: Get in Touch
First things first. We'll discuss your social media goals and challenges. Understanding what you want to accomplish helps us customize your individual social media consultation for your unique needs. Already know the basics of social media? Great! Your training experience will be more advanced. This first conversation is also a great time to ask any additional questions you have about the process.
Step 2: Set a Date
We'll get things off the ground by securing a spot on our calendar. Once we've have your training date(s) decided, we will provide a payment link via email.
Step 3: Learn by Doing
We are big proponents of kinetic learning - aka, learning by doing! And since you're seeking some personalized training, it's pretty safe to assume you'd like that kind of atmosphere too. We'll meet in-person or via GoToMeeting or Zoom as you are guided through the steps of improving and managing your social media assets.
Here's a question:
Are you happy with the number of referrals you are getting from your local networking group?
We think it's safe to say you're not!
Let's work together instead of watching your time, money, and reputation circle the drain while you wait for things to go back to 1989.
We've all heard that you need an average of 7 touches with a prospect before they become your customer. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram can be your best opportunity to be one of those touches!
Stop struggling with social media and let us help you get up to speed.
Contact Erin Brooks today to get started!